Monday, February 22, 2010

Justin Wehr asks philosophical questions

Wehr in the World is asking questions about wisdom.

Here are the questions and the answers that I submitted:

Question 1: What is a good parent?
A good parent realizes that their life was fundamentally altered when their child was conceived. They re-prioritize their life to make the education (in knowledge and wisdom) of their child(ren) their most valuable long-term goal. They are, in fact, influencing the life of their child(ren), their own life (in the event of age or disability), the lives of everyone their child(ren) will come into profound contact with, and very probably a line of succeeding generations. A good parent balances the individual needs of the child(ren) with familial and societal needs, which vary by person, family, and culture. This involves constant discipline and action. In the end, a good parent teaches their child(ren) to be independent thinkers and doers, capable of achievment.

Question 2: How can one tell if one is in love or infatuated?
Infatuation is a gut reaction of desire; not wrong or right, it just is. Love is something altogether more difficult to comprehend. There are many types of love--for self, for parents and siblings, for spouse, for children, for friends, for ideas, for country, etc. The distinguishing characteristic about love is the presence of the spirit of "giving" in addition to "desire."

Question 3: How much love should one have for oneself?
Enough to appreciate one's qualities, but not so much that one becomes prideful. Enough to accept one's faults, but not so much that one never strives to improve.

Question 4: Should one worry what other people think?
Worry? No. Be concerned? Maybe. Any action one takes that affects the well-being of others should involve concern. Otherwise, it is probably not any of their business, and concern on their behalf is a waste of effort.

Question 5: What should one do when anxious?
Pray. Seek counsel from references, either books or people, from memory or otherwise. These things and people are called "references" for a reason, as they provide a reference point for our own feelings, knowledge and experience. Anxiety is tied to impending uncertainty or unpleasantness, neither of which one wants to experience. Mastering the anxiety is the key to continuing on. Mitigating the causes of the anxiety and their effects provides action, which is soothing in and of itself. Just don't give up.

Question 6: How should one deal with death?
Above all, with honesty. If another has died, one must accept what has occurred, regardless of why. One must move on with life or else follow the deceased. If one's own death is pending, one must accept what will occur, regardless of why. One must complete preparations for death if possible, but once that is concluded (or while it is in others' hands), one should embrace the life that remains.

Question 7: What should one do if one is shy?
Find and hold fast a small group of close friends and family. There is no need to be outgoing with everyone, so long as one has at least one other person in life as a good and true friend. Do what must be done in public life, be polite with all, but be not ashamed for being shy.

Question 8: How should one end a relationship?
I have never done this properly, and consider myself unwise in this respect.

Question 9: How can one live happily with other people?
I am still learning how to do this, and consider myself unwise in this respect.

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